Frankly speaking....................the biggest loser is the biggest winner...

Yes, once again, Mountain Top Fibers has produced a Best in Show winner.  This is pretty exciting stuff for us because it ain't easy getting there - just ask our reigning queens, Julianna and now EVA! We all can sympathize with our Eva the Diva because way back last year she was disqualified from competition due to her girth.  She was seriously over weight and as such was not taken too seriously around here.  WELL, about six months ago, she went on a very strict diet and was subjected to weekly weigh ins, lectures, counting points and all that other good stuff and, all that hard work paid off.  The day before the wench left for the Ohio Mini Convention, Eva stepped on the scale before she stepped in her carrier, and viola!  she was 10.7 (a whole ounce to spare from max allowed)

A six hour ride in the back of a pickup truck with Abbotts Rabbitts and Heartfelt Hares landed the diva in Columbus, Ohio.  Three shows.  Three best of breed awards and one best in show.  Her head is a little swollen and she is acting like the diva she is.  We are proud of all her hard work.  Here she is................................

Eva the Diva in all her glory

and now, back to your regularly scheduled Frankly speaking.  BIG NEWS.  Craft Fair season is upon us, only slightly overlapping with rabbit show season, and so look for Mountain Top Fibers in the following venues:

May 18th at Mt. Airy Farm Days.  No, we are not participating in the antique tractor parade even though our tractor is an antique and so are the people running it (our tractor, not the parade)

May 24th at the Independence Farmers Market, Fiber day

June 1st at the Hale Wilkinson Carter Home in Hillsville, VA

Bunny ambassadors will be on hand to entertain the children.  I'll be holding down the fort here, keeping everyone in line, so may send Greta and Gracie to Mt. Airy to take care of the cute factor. Wench will of course be spinning yarn on her wheel at each event and helping folks get to know us better.  Builder will probably be here, too, because we he-man types shy away from these girly events. fiber fairs and all that.  We'd rather cut down trees, which, we've been doing in anticipation of the big barn expansion

More later.  Thanks for reading Frankly speaking... until next time!

kissy kissy!