Frankly speaking..... where do I start?
Well, I realize it has been a significant while since I last posted. Sorry about that, but I've been busy!
Convention, which was the last time I posted, did present some challenge to my wench, and so I suppose that it why I've been quiet. Since then I've been cracking the whip to keep her in line, and here's what she's been doing...
SAFF was in Asheville at the end of October. 10 bunnies went there to find new homes, and only one came back. He's a happy boy here (Anatole) and will be going up to Maryland next week maybe to see if a fiber artist wants to love him up some. Wench did ok there, too, spreading the word about the wonders of fiber.
A few more shows rounded out the year and then, starting with 2018, a change. The new idea is, if there is a fiber show to go to, better do that and keep the rabbit shows to a minimum. Of course we won't be NOT going to rabbit shows, just a few less than regular, because we are now offering a brand of products within the fiber world which are bigger than just rabbits and goats. Check out our "new events" page on the website to see where she will show up next. She's getting a routine, and it is getting easier for that old broad to load, unload, etc. by herself. It's nice to have someone to travel with, but that's not always possible.
In other news, Pistol Pete has been weaned. I'm about done listening to him cry for his ba-ba. He's six months old almost! and bigger than Petunia, the doe kid that was born on the same day. He's gonna be a pistol all right, so is aptly named. Watch our instagram for an up to date photo, but here's a reminder of the little guy (not so little anymore)
Have you seen my ba-ba?
In any event, in other news, we have a new dog. He's not our dog really, he's more like a cross between a polar bear and a pony, and he belongs to someone else. We are babysitting for a time, not sure what that time will be, BUT, let me tell you, I have a few observations about this phenomenon
1) - This guy is BIG. At first, when he first came to the barn I thought maybe he was a sheep. He could blend in pretty good with a flock of sheep. I guess that's why he's a type of sheep dog. Here he is.....
Sunny. He's about 14 months old and weighs 101 lbs.
2) Sheep are not that smart. I suppose that's why they need a dog to protect them.
3) Goats, on the other hand, are SMART. They have trained people to protect them. I can't imagine being left outside in the dark, not being tucked in to my stall overnight just like all the special horses out there, served my grain in an individual bowl (no fighting for food around here, like a junkyard dog or something). And I think I've done a nice job training wench and builder, thankyouverymuch.
4) I don't need a dog, but I will tolerate him, just so long as he understands his place in the pecking order. When we first met, I gave him a good scare when I banged my head on the stall door. He barked a lot. But, wench corrected this behavior (no one barks at Frankie) and it has slowed down. He gets crated in the barn at night until we feel safe to leave him lose in the goat area.
5) The cats are not amused. There's some hissing going on.
So, anyway, those are my observations of late. We have big news coming in the next months... Builder is at it again, planning a new project. He and junior bear cut down about 8 trees last weekend so he could begin milling the lumber for a studio addition. Root cellar, meat locker, dye kitchen, loft storage, all to enhance the farm. When he's done, it will be beautiful I'm sure. Wench is, of course, already scheming on how to decorate (oi vey).
New baby chicks should be here any day now...another new adventure. In the meantime, go see wench over in Statesville at the quilt show tomorrow and Saturday - or up at the DelMarva Wool and Fiber Expo on Feb. 9-11.
In the meantime, thanks for reading Frankly Speaking!