Frankly speaking.....and they're off!
I always knew the wench as a little off (one of the reasons why we love her), but today, she's off to Indy for the big ARBA convention. In my previous report, I stated she had no bunnies for sale and planned to bring no new bunnies home. Well, she does like to keep me on my toes (or hoofs) and so is bringing four American Chin intermediate does for the youth judging. She never quits.
Anywho, suffering from the "can't sleep before a rabbit show, even with drugs blues" she was up at 3:30 AM. She ought to be a real trip to Paris around 10 PM tonight after driving 9 hours and then putting up the rabbits into their coops, checking in, etc. Let's hope the adrenaline is flowing prior to the big crash. sigh
The caravan will consist of wench and Aunt June, followed by Heart Felt Hares' Deb McCormick. Multiple necessary stops for gas, snacks and other (like Dairy Queen) are expected.
I told pistol Pete that his mother was going away for several days and that dad (builder) would be his main source of milk and play; so yesterday he followed builder around the barn all day. Baby goats being what they are, Pete decided to walk the plank on the 4th floor of the barn and slipped off, falling about 10 feet and skinning his nose. Poor Pete! He should've known better. Builder has planks set up between stairs, etc., because he is painting the barn this fall (another one who never quits). They were up on the 4th floor taking care of the quail.
Pete likes to ride on the golf cart, talk to Harper about life in general, gather the eggs in the hen house, go to the people's house and check out what Hunter is doing, and just about everything a person would do. He does not like to be a goat, or play with the other kids or hang out in the pasture. If wench takes him out to the pasture and then sneaks away, he screams his fool head off until she opens the door. He's adorable right now, but when he is a big boy, it won't be so cute. They are hoping this is a phase.
Pete is hiding between the seats on the golf cart.
Anyway, bon voyage to wench and the girls.... have fun, don't do anything that I wouldn't do (and remember, I'm a goat, so that field is wide open) and if you can't bring home the Fibber Cup (that would be like impossible) at least bring home some great memories and a treat for your favorite goat!