Frankly speaking.....a picture is worth a thousand words
So I promised some pictures of the progress on the barn, etc., and as promised... here ya go First, a bonus profile of me, in all of my glory
So today is pretty nice out and the gang got out to enjoy the snow (NOT)
So the builder was working inside, stringing lights in the second floor rabbit barn
and this is the view that I always show you - this time it has snow
Here is the front of the barn, the tractor will drive into the barn and be parked there instead of under the studio in the tarp garage:
Do you see that little shiny piece hanging off the left hand side? That is the manure shoot for the 2nd floor. There is one for the 3rd floor too; and big black pipe to be attached. This will allow the manure to slide down beside the barn where builder can scoop it up with the tractor and then distribute it where it needs to go. My suite will be on the other side of that wall. Nigel, Geronimo, Daisy and myself will share an area, and the does and babies will all go inside where it's warmer.
Speaking of babies, my lovely sister, Mae:
I think she's got the nursing thang down pat, now:
So who will be next, could it be Annie:
we'll have to see about that... I'll keep you posted, I promise! Thanks for reading Frankly speaking!