Frankly speaking........................who is taking the summer off?
To "the builder" taking the summer off means only doing little jobs around the farm like putting up all new fencing, building stalls, remodeling other parts of the barn, putting up shade tarps, etc. etc.... the guy never quits. Good thing. We appreciate good room service here at this hotel. hahahah. Broccoli stems are on today's menu, from our own organic garden. Here is the view from the studio stairs, of our newly fenced area. We are hoping that grass will grow on these terraces eventually, now that the builder has cut down enough of the yummy trees to let some sun on the mountain.
We are bracing ourselves around here for another population explosion. Seems ole Smokey Lonesome has been pretty busy breeding most of the angora does and everyone is due around June 23rd or so. You see, Smokey is going to work on the Avillion Farm and so we will be saying so long to him next week. He has left his mark here and been a grand herd sire, and now it's time to sow the seeds of smokey in other places. I suppose that will happen eventually with Norman and Geronimo too, but NOT ME. I am the spokesgoat and we all know how important that job is, after all, if it wasn't for me, how would you keep up with everything going on around here? Gary, the new baby buckling, will be wethered too, and him and me will be buds, keeping everyone in line and he will be my understudy in the spokesgoat department.
Now, here's another little project the builder has been working on -- new stalls. One for me, one for Norman and one for whoever is trying to be the queen at the moment. Right now it's Faith. She thinks she is all that, so she gets her own room with Grace and Greta, and so no one gets hurt. This also makes Annie a regular part of the flock, which is something she needs to learn.
In other rabbit news, Ganache and Chang's litter is coming along nicely - four torts and three pearls
and the litter between Nimbus and Chang has two nice survivors, both REWs
Well, that's about all the news.... thanks for reading Frankly Speaking - I'll update you again soon!