Frankly speaking.........................just some Sunday sundries....
I know how much my fans like to see my pretty face, so I thought I'd start this post with my latest picture. If I look a tad perturbed in this picture, you are pretty intuitive. You see, Norman and I are locked up WITH THE SHEEP of all things, because those darn sheep keep slipping under the fence and getting out. They think it's great fun until they get out there and then they are scared as... sheep. Criminey. Norman and I don't get out, (we actually have it pretty good here, but don't tell the wench - it might go to her head) so why are we locked up on this beautiful and sunny 77 degree day? The girls and the babies are out enjoying the sunshine, and here we are with these freakin sheep. yikes.
Well, it shouldn't be too long, there is a rumor going around that the builder is running an electric wire. I'll laugh when those sheep get zapped. I'm smart enough to know not to go anywhere near that electric fence. I did it once and that's all I needed to know!
So, I promised some updated baby pictures, and here they are.....
Ok, enough cute. Now on to beautiful. Yesterday, some of the angoras (and a few chins) went to the Rabbit Show in Taylorsville, NC.
In the first show, Eva won best of breed.
In the second show, Obsidian got best of breed
Now the trick is going to be to hold on to those show coats for a couple more weeks, so they can go to Nationals in New York.
I am hoping to lose my coat during that time frame. It's starting to get hot here in the south and we have some pretty good looking mohair to give up. Norman is looking particularly furry these days:
Well, looks like we might get outside yet today, so better get off this computer and make sure those sheep behave! Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking!