Deb Clemens

Frankly speaking..... don't pay the ransom, I've escaped!

Deb Clemens

I realize it has been OVER ONE YEAR since I last posted on this blog. Do not fear, Frankie is alive and well, living on the mountain and growing my fleece for you. I’ve just been busy having this “pandemic inertia” for a while, then trying to get back into the swing of things, get my mojo flowing, that sort of thing. I might be starting up.

Shearing is coming soon, like it should have already started, so hopefully I’ll have some photos, etc.

In the meantime, I’m trying to get wench ready for SAFF. This year, Mountain Top Fibers will be located in the thick of it, Davis Arena, so look out for a new location. There may be two or three satin angora bunnies going too.

Hopefully I’ll be posting on the regular….. thanks for sticking with me!
