Frankly speaking........ a recap and welcome to new visitors
It has been brought to my attention that we may have some new visitors who are not familiar with my musings, and so, here’s a quick tutorial:
#1. I am a goat. Make no mistake about that. As the Chief Executive Goat around here it is my job to ensure that all things run smoothly. Sometimes I have to whip those humans into shape, and so you should know…
#2. My humans are NOT called ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ because, well, they are not. As a goat, I have little clue as to the identity of my sire, but I know, and still remember fondly, my sainted mother, April. I lived with her and my granny goat Naomi until we moved here to North Carolina, and they each passed the first spring we lived here. I still miss them.
#3. Just like goats, all humans must have names. I refer to my humans by their assigned roles, not their names. So, the female is called “wench”. This is to identify her as the Haywench. She uses this identity on Ralvery (the knitters social media) and when talking to people at shows where she goes to sell the shirt off my back. The male is called “builder” because he is in charge of building things like barns, stalls, things to make me comfortable. Every human has to have a purpose, you know.
I hope that this short explanation clears up any confusion. Now, on to news:
It’s pretty cold around here these days, but we still go outside to play and eat hay because it’s healthier and we have lots and lots of mohair to keep us warm. Also, we are able to gradually become accustomed to the cold weather because we live in a barn, so the temperature change is not drastic like it is for people. If it’s snowing or raining or the wind is too severe, we are kept inside the barn to eat hay for our own safety (and, goats don’t like to be wet)
Wench attended the Sanford Quilt show last weekend and had some fun, and this weekend she’ll be in Statesville for another quilt show. Quilters also knit, crochet, felt, etc., and wench used to quilt, so it’s a good combination.
In studio news, builder has been busy, busy, busy… his usual modus operandi. The “project” has progressed to the next phase….. demolition. The first floor (or studio level) is roughed in, the entire back half of the building encased in plastic, and the demo of the original roof line has begun.
Let’s raise the roof!
Better photos will be forthcoming if I can get that wench to stay home and do something around here.
New yarns are at the mill and arriving this week for dyeing; after Statesville, wench has an entire month “off” the show circuit until Ocean City, MD in March. I heard a rumor that wench and builder might be trying to take a couple of days off and leave us with a farm sitter. OI, more humans to train!
A CEG’s work is never done.
Anyway, that’s the scoop. Until next time, thanks for reading Frankly speaking!
just look at that profile! kiss my cheek….