Frankly speaking.....humiliation is upon us
Ya know, when wench was delivering product to area restaurants and running back and forth to Marion to that place we don’t talk about (the abattoir) all the time and racking up thousands of miles on the Pilot, she let things around here take their course. Shearing was done with builder and wench and over the course of one week, everyone looked spiffy and ready for the new season, with their fleece in a bag and their skin exposed to the sunshine. NOT THIS YEAR.
It seems that wench doesn’t have enough to do, because she is doing the shearing by herself this fall, and let me tell you, she stinks at this. Yeah, I know, old dogs, new tricks, etc., and she IS trying, but I was kinda hoping that builder would understand that I am the king around here and have to look good.
The other day, I was feeling kinda lazy (I am almost 10 years old, you know) so, when builder came down in the morning I didn’t get up to greet him. I also was not interested in my grain. They have been changing the grain around here and I get confused and don’t eat. anyway, that’s another story. So builder called wench to come and take a look, make sure I wasn’t getting ready to check out. For cryinoutloud…… I was resting! Can’t a goat get some rest around this gyp joint?
Anywho, wench came down, talked to me, checked me over and then decided she needed to take my coat off to make me feel better. ARG! Where did that come from? does she think I’m an angora bunny? (the first sign of their coat needing to come off is not eating) So she set to work. It took about an HOUR. Holy Smokes. She tried, really she did, but she left some critical beard hair saying it was too dirty. The brown you see is that delicious mineral tub they have provided. Admittedly, sometimes I can be a piglet at that place.
Anyway, here is the end result:
Once the hair is off, it goes to the mill and here’s what they make:
Roving. Called unicorn fluff. Not funny wench
Brushed kid mohair with nylon added
Look for these mohair products at a show near you. This weekend starts the madness. First a rabbit show to start off, and then six weekends in a row for fiber shows. Some have rabbits going, some have baby goats, some have just fiber, some have friends coming along to help or share a booth, some wench is on her own. I know she’ll be racking up those miles on the Pilot until November.
While she’s gone, builder is working on the studio project. Maybe by spring we’ll have a dye studio! yay! (there will be a dishwasher installed to take care of barn stuff) I will send pictures of the cement blocks in my next post. Maybe by then we’ll have wood up! Until then, thanks for reading Frankly Speaking.
Kiss kiss