Frankly speaking .... there's one season here - the busy season!
Those of you who follow this blog regularly know one thing is for certain - there is no real slow season here. Well, maybe December 26 through 29 is pretty slow, but, other than that, we are usually pretty busy.
Yesterday, a few of the bunnies went to Greensboro with wench to a show. Our haul was pretty good. Three Satin Angoras got one leg each (Shane, Coco Chanel and Olivia, all declared best of breed, each by a different Judge) and Clems Bruno, the American Chin, got two legs for best of breed. Congrats to Mandy Leisch for her best of breed intermediate doe in Show C! Homestead's Batman went too, but he was the only Champagne at the show. He was best of breed all day (lol).
A curious thing occurred, though. We will all agree that Coco Chanel has a beautiful color. But what color is it? Wench thought lynx. One judge agreed with her, although saying the color is closest to lynx. Not exactly, but still pretty. One judge said Chocolate Chin, and one judge said Opal. hmmm. I suppose we will have to make a real decision before she can be registered, but for now, we are calling her a colored satin angora. Perhaps when her adult coat comes in we will know more.
this is a close up of Coco Chanel's coat.
The next show is October 1st at Woodstock, VA. Not sure yet who will be going, but we are pretty sure Giants and Satins will be the angoras shown, so that means Daisy will need to go, and maybe Olivia (she got a best of breed and a best opposite of breed at Greensboro). There will need to be a spot for Bruno, the American Chin, because, well, he's already pretty special. His dad (Gabriel) is a grand champion, and his grand dad (Rockstar) is too; so a long line of special bunnies.
Before that rabbit show, though, there are a couple of things going on: buns will be going to the processor on September 28th. Processing week is always pretty busy around here. The next day, though, is the big launch party in Asheville for the Local Hero yarns being created by Purl's Yarn Emporium.
The folks over at Purls dreamed up their blend, and Blue Ridge Fiberworks sourced the materials. Morningstar Fibers (also in North Carolina) spun the yarn, and then it went back to Purls for dyeing. Four colorways were created, and four special local heroes will promote it. A percentage of the sales will be donated to the charity championed by that local hero. It's a full circle of help. Helping the sheep keep their jobs, (and the alpacas and the goats, too) helping the knitters get a beautiful new project; helping the cause of whatever charity is chosen. A win--win. If you get to Asheville, be sure to stop in at Purls and ask about their local hero line.
After the launch party, the next day is the trek to Floyd Arts Festival. The three fiberistas of Blue Ridge Fiberworks are doing this show together, so they will set up Friday night; then wench will drive up to Woodstock VA for the rabbit show; the art show goes on Saturday and Sunday, so after the rabbit show wench will drive back to Floyd Sunday morning and man the booth at Floyd. Are you confused yet? I am. Oh, and in the meantime, Indigo will be going to her new home. oi.
Speaking of new homes, Lourdes and Taylor are leaving us tomorrow, going to live at the Whipple Family Farm in Ohio. We will miss them, but know they will be getting a great home.
I'm glad to be a goat. All I have to do is run things around here. We won't even talk about October after Floyd, the schedule is insane. Somewhere in between all this craziness we need to get our coats off. Shearing is always a fun time. Everyone is nekkid and has to butt heads and play.
So, now that we are getting the hang of squarespace, maybe I'll be keeping you up-to-date on farm happenings a little more often, try to make up for all that time I was goofing off and lamenting the inability of wench to post things the way I wanted them. I think she may be getting better... but, don't tell her, she'll get a big head. MY head is big enough.
but isn't it the prettiest head EVER?
HAY, (or hey) do me a favor, please? vote for us for a Brassy award! Some folks tried to vote before we were approved, but now we are, so give us a click and maybe we'll get to be a finalist, maybe even a brassy award winner! because, let's face it, I'm pretty brassy! Here's the link: and, as ever, thanks for reading Frankly Speaking!