Frankly speaking....... it's a little fuzzy at the goat nudist colony
When you first see this:
it can only mean one thing. That I am next to be shorn.
So, the shearing went without a hitch OR a stitch (haha, I'm so funny) and I got some nice extra grain because I behaved so well. I must say it feel GOOD to be nekkid
Norman got his haircut too. My locks were much softer because I have the job of being the spokesgoat, not the billy goat, so there is no extra-t floating around making my fleece coarse.
Afterwards, everyone got together for a meet and greet at the goat nudy colony
it's always fun to see everyone without their fleece on. It settles down after a little while and then we went outside to play. The sheep know it will be their turn soon, and I'll let you know how they do.
In other news, Layla's litter is looking good: five squirmy bunnies, four lilac-looking buns and one REW. The lilacs could turn out to be pearls because there is some whiteness about them. We'll have to see in a little while what color they actually are. They aren't out of the nest yet, just getting ready to come out and open their eyes.
Well that's it for this edition of Frankly speaking. Thanks for reading.