Mountain Top Fibers

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Frankly speaking....... if spring has sprung, then why is it still snowing? --or-- who is the leader of the Breakout Kings of White Pine Drive?

Is this weather crazy or what?  Snowflakes in the air at the end of March? WTF... this is the south y'all.  We do have a lot of sunshine, and as I've said before, we used to spend months cooped up in the barn when we lived in New York, and here, a couple of days in a row are unusual. This time our sequestration was not about the weather, though, I must admit.  It was more about the wether. As in neutered sheep. NIGEL.  Here's the story:

Remember a while ago I posted about the builder's plans to put more sun in the pasture and take down some trees?  Remember this guy?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWell, now you see him, now you don't.    A few weeks ago, in preparation for the toppling of this tree, the builder took down the fence on that side of the pasture.  We didn't notice as we're pretty happy just laying out in the sun and working on our tans.  Nigel, however, DID notice, and a few times, he would wander out into the road and then wind up in the mushroom garden and the wench would have to direct him back to the barn.

???????????????this is the mushroom garden.  About the fall it should yield some tasty mushrooms.  Anyway... Nigel kept up these shenanigans and would tell us about his adventures.  On Monday, we all decided to have a looksee for ourselves..... and off and down the path we went....

tis a long and winding road behind our barn

of course the builder knew what was up right away and called the wench who came down to collect us from the studio.  We were having fun...

a view of the back of our barn from the road we traveled

here is where we got out:


point of egress

SO, because we now had the run of the mountain, we got locked up in goat jail.  for two.whole.days.  while the builder cut down the tree.

Nigel - the breakout king of white pine drive, looking indignant (it's the only look he has) with Greta

Froto (a/k/a Glory) ready for a haircut

Ju-ly... how your water bucket brings out the color of those baby blues!

Baby June

Beautiful Annie

sections of that mombo tree awaiting their turn on the band saw

Well, we are now back to normal, the fence is up and we are free!!!  We've had some babies around here, too.... pigeons and chickens.  Here they are!

22 new chicks.  12 straight run (read: 9 roosters) and 10 pullets

new born pigeons... messy nest!

So anyway, I'm hoping for spring some day.  I've talked the shearers into waiting until the weather warms a bit before we get shaved.....

As always - thanks for reading Frankly speaking.....