Mountain Top Fibers

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Frankly speaking.................... there are animal crackers in my soup!

Isn't that an old song... animal crackers in my soup?  Well, around the mountain, animals crackers are our favorite snack.  Of course everyone has their own preference, I prefer those shaped like bears, Mae likes the bunnies, etc. As the CEG (Chief Executive Goat, in case you didn't get the memo) I sometimes get called upon to do parlor tricks, which I do, because I like the rewards.  There is a photo of one of these tricks out there on facebook, but I have hidden the evidence and if you want to find it, you'll have to go hunting.  hahahah

In other news, I see a lot of folks publishing pictures of their goat kids on facebook, cutie patooties, all being born around this time every year.  We have a few more months to wait, because it doesn't get cold here in September like it does up north, so breeding season begins a little later.  The cool part of that equation is, we get to go outside almost every single day all year long.  We only stay inside when it's raining.

So, how about some other kinds of baby pictures?  Nimbus and Duckie's litter of 8 is progressing beautifully:


Nimbus' litter of 8, all REWs and pointeds!

and Mutiara and Brice's litter of 2 are just beautiful!


We are pleased to announce that the former chicken area has been turned into more goat space.... and Geronimo has taken over this area.  He spends every other day here, and every other day outside.  The little girls get every other opposite day in or out - wench doesn't want them to be bred by Geronimo because they are too little.

Gary used to hang out with Geronimo because he doesn't like to be alone, but, he doesn't know how to play nice, and poor Gary was getting beat up, so, Geronimo has to suck it up and be alone, the loser.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI know, he doesn't look too happy, but he really has a nice area, and at night, the sheep come in and keep him company.  If he knew how to behave, he wouldn't HAVE this problem

Who, ME?

Notice the lumber used in these new stalls?  It comes from the builder's new toy, the sawmill.  He has been busy building (what else) and made a cute little train station thingy for his sawmill.  It has a roof to keep it out of the rain, and it is working out quite nicely.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is at the top of our pasture, so I get to supervise what goes on in the building business.  I think the next tree victim will be this guy:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAbecause builder's main goal is to open up the view without sacrificing every tree around here.  We don't mind, it should grow some nice pasture for us... right now we are eating hay, but in the spring expect there to be some green growin around this mountain.

We are busy growing our fleeces, and thought you might enjoy seeing how pretty we all are... two more months until shearing...


Daisy & Nigel

Hope chilaxin

a few of the littles hangin with Miss Daisy

and then, of course there is ME, the most extreme wonderful fleece of all

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall... who's the most beautious goat of all?

I think we all know the answer to that question.

Well, that's about it from around here.  Thanks for reading Frankly speaking -- until next time!