Mountain Top Fibers

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Frankly speaking..................Happy Cheyanne's Birthday! (and other news)

Do I have you totally confused?  Who is Cheyanne and why do we celebrate his birthday?  Why do goats bang their heads together? Why do fools fall in love? there are a lot of unanswered questions in the universe, but, frankly speaking, you are lucky to have ME, Frankie, to splain it to you once in a while, ya know? So, Cheyanne was this horse.  Not just any horse.  He was the wench's very first horse.  His birthday is on labor day because that is the day he came to live with the wench and the first original builder (her dad, also called Clem) and gave up his career as a riding academy hack.  The wench was only 9 years old, and every year they'd bake a mashed potato cake, decorate it with corn and carrots and invite all the other horses who lived in Bayport over for cake and a ride.  I am grateful to Cheyanne because he started the whole animal loving thing with my wench and as a result, she's pretty responsible when it comes to making sure we come FIRST like we should.

Every year, the wench would call her dad on labor day and say Happy Cheyanne's Birthday!  Since her dad passed away in 1995, she says it out loud to no one in particular, hoping that he'll hear her.  I'm listening.


So, in other news, the babies continue to grow up and pretty soon it'll be time for their first shearing.  We are all lookin pretty fluffy these days, except Geronimo, who still hasn't decided if he wants to go to Asheville this fall and be a show goat.


Gracie just continues to get cuter:


and the rest of the gang just is hangin out growing our fleeces


Annie is looking particularly beautiful this summer and is growing up into quite a nice young lady


Norman is looking a little horny these days:


He does not find my humor amusing


Not to change the subject, but the chickens have been enjoying some freedom these days, now that the 2x4 fence is up and they (hopefully) can't get into the neighbors' yards, but they have an annoying habit.  They go to Norman's stall and make a nest every day and lay their eggs!


Daisy and Nigel were hanging out in the barn today.  They make a cute couple, don't you think? (for sheep, that is)


Eve the cat even came to visit... although she didn't come all the way to the barn.  I guess when you are 22 years old (that's like 300 in cat years I think) you can do what you want.


Well, that's about it for the news now..... as usual, thanks for reading Frankly speaking.  I'm working on a post of all our yarns, rovings and T SHIRTS with ME on them which I hope to get published next week!
