Frankly speaking.................special goats, special mission
This morning the builder gave us a special mission: clean up the back yard! As followers of this blog probably know, the builder has been working on my house (barn) for a year, and now, that the second phase is done he plans to rent a backhoe and re-sculpt the back yard. This will create PASTURE for us -- yippee!
Today we had a little talk, and it boiled down to this: I got to go to the back yard and be tied up (how humiliating - but it is for my own safety.... there are azaleas around the front of the house and we can't eat them) so we can clean up the yard to get ready for the backhoe. I got to select my crew: Faith, with Grace and Greta, Myself, and Annie.
We are having fun!
Well, I'll get some good pics of the babies when I'm done with this mission, and give a full report on the weekend at the Carolina Fiber Fest. Right now, it's back to work! as always, Thanks for reading Frankly speaking