Mountain Top Fibers

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Frankly Speaking ..................... an update

Good morning fans, how's the weather where you are?  It's been pretty warm here... glad I have my fleece off! In the new barn, part of our house is under ground, built into the mountain, so it stays pretty cool.  That is where I sleep.  Norman and I are back to having our own stalls, while the babies pretty much all hang together with their moms.  Except Geronimo.  He lives with his mom in her stall over by us, because we are special.

There has been lots going on around here... let's see..... first, the wench went up to New York for the Angora Nationals.  From the reports I am getting, the competition was pretty steep.  Obsidian came in 2nd out of a class of 28, in one of the three shows they did,  so that was pretty good.  She's pretty proud of herself... also got herself registered with ARBA, so when her 3rd grand champion leg is won, she can get her GC certificate.

ImageEva, on the other hand, was quite embarassed over the whole ordeal and got stressed out big time.  The Judge said she was FAT.  I suppose I should have been truthful when she asked me if she looked fat, but, I like a voluptuous rabbit.  But, standards are standards, and so now Eva is on a diet.  Rumor has it that she will get some babies soon, and has a date with GW Duckie later this week.  Yesterday her fleece was cut off (bet that felt good and was good for a few lbs right there!).  Obsidian (on the left) will be going to shows until she gets her last leg, and then, if Eva has a litter, gets back down to fighting weight, she'll go on the show circuit this fall.

There are three new American Chins in the barn as a result of the last weekend, and four of our bucks are now in other homes.  The American Chin nationals was in the same place as the Angora nationals, which I guess caused quite a bit of running back and forth for the wench.  ha.  she can use the exercise.  Actually, if it wasn't for my friend Pat Parsons, the wench woulda been sunk.  Pat was here in January and I'm looking forward to having her adore me again in July on her annual 4th of July visit.

I know how much you all love the baby pictures, so here is a treat..... two of Layla's last litter - aren't they cute?


The great sheep exchange finally took place.  We are glad to welcome NIGEL to the flock.  Well, we are... the sheep aren't too sure.  There is some sort of lesson here for all you sheeples.  The wench, who, in consult with me, makes most of the decisions around here, can not tolerate a mean spirited animal.  So, while normal goat behavior is ok, pecking order and all that, if you are downright mean and nasty,  you will "lose your happy home" as she likes to say.  I hear there may be some changes coming, but I'll report on that later.  Nigel, in the meantime, is welcome to be here with us and he's pretty cool looking with those four horns.


Nigel has the most beautiful fleece.  He comes to us courtesy of Laura Frazier of Farm Girl Arts.  Her work is just amazing..... take a look:

So, that's it for today's edition of Frankly Speaking.  Thanks for reading - I'll keep you up to date on any changes.